Swift Dictionary Literal Convertible


A practical example of Swift’s DictionaryLiteralConvertible protocol application.

Note. This article content refers to Swift version 2.0 or earlier and is now outdated.

If “Literal Convertibles” sounds strange to you then a good place to start is an excellent NSHipster’s post.

OK, let’s say we have some struct in Swift.

struct Options {
  let timeout: Double = 1
  let message = "Timeout failed."

This is a structure holding timeout options for some abstract waiting function. If waiting takes longer that timeout then waiting is terminated and the message is displayed. For convenience default values are provided.

func wait(options: Options) {
  println("Waiting for \(options.timeout). Message: \(options.message)")
  // TODO: wait for some condition and fail after timeout

wait(Options(timeout: 0.1, message: "Custom timeout failed."))

Now, wouldn’t it be nice to add some syntactic sugar and pass a dictionary with key-value pairs for waiting options, instead of calling Options initializer?

wait(["timeout": 0.1])

Of course compiler doesn’t like this code, though it fails to tell us exactly why.

'Options' does not have a member named 'Value'

Let’s experiment a bit.


Doesn’t make much sense but this time compiler complains with more sane error message.

Type 'Options' does not conform to protocol 'StringLiteralConvertible'

Basically it doesn’t know how to construct and instance of Options type from String.

So when we used dictionary before, compiler had no idea how to create an instance of Options from a dictionary, but sadly couldn’t communicate it back to us in a human-friendly form.

To be able to create Options objects from dictionaries Options has to conform to DictionaryLiteralConvertible protocol.

/// Conforming types can be initialized with dictionary literals
protocol DictionaryLiteralConvertible {
  typealias Key
  typealias Value

  /// Create an instance initialized with `elements`.
  init(dictionaryLiteral elements: (Key, Value)...)

To conform to this protocol we need to implement init and define type aliases for Key and Value. This was somewhat of a surprise for me, even when reading NSHipster’s post for the first time I didn’t realize that typealias are part of the protocol and had to be “implemented” (declared) too. I must have confused typealias with C’s typedef for a while, hence misunderstanding of typealias.

OK, first attempt in conforming to the protocol.

extension Options: DictionaryLiteralConvertible {
  typealias Key = String
  typealias Value = AnyObject

  init(dictionaryLiteral elements: (Key, Value)...) {
    for (key, value) in elements {
      switch key {
        case "timeout": self.timeout = value as Double
        case "message": self.message = value as String
        fatalError("Unknown key: \(key)")

For dictionary keys the String type is used, and for values use AnyObject since we can pass either Double or String as a value.

I’m sure there’s a better more type-safe way to type alias Value to make it more “functional”. Probably using enums. I’m still learning though.

The init iterates over the contents of the dictionary and initializes struct’s members with values from the dictionary. The as is used to type cast AnyObject to Double or String.

I’m aware that use of self is not strictly required in this case and self.timeout = works same as just timeout =, but I tend to explicitly use self. syntax in initializers, kind of rule of thumb.

Let’s try it again.

wait(["timeout": 0.1])

It works. Also notice that we can now provide partial arguments, like only timeout but no message in this case, something we couldn’t with default struct initializer (would have to implement additional initializers).

Yet there are few things that smell in this code (apart from AnyObject I suppose).

  • Use of hard-coded string literals like “timeout” is not good, typos happen all the time and it’s quite painful to debug this type of errors.
  • Default case statement with fatalError plug.

Let’s now fix both these issues. First we will use a custom enum type for keys.

enum OptionKey {
  case Timeout, Message

Note that’s it not even backed up by a raw String type, there’s no need for that at the moment.

Now can rewrite the Options extension.

extension Options: DictionaryLiteralConvertible {
  typealias Key = OptionKey
  typealias Value = AnyObject

  init(dictionaryLiteral elements: (Key, Value)...) {
    for (key, value) in elements {
      switch key {
        case .Timeout: timeout = value as Double
        case .Message: message = value as String

Main changes are

  • Use OptionKey for Key type alias.
  • Get rid of default: case, wrong key errors are now handled at compile time, not at run time.

Using the wait function is now as simple as

wait([.Timeout: 0.1])
wait([.Timeout: 0.1, .Message: "Custom timeout failed."])

You can grab the swift code and try it yourself in playground or just by running from command line with xcrun swift.

Published: January 27 2015

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